Mining of Nickel, Cobalt, Palladium and Copper (Africa, Zimbabwe)
Mining of Nickel, Cobalt, Palladium and Copper (Africa, Zimbabwe)
Mostly untouched, a newly discovered nickel belt of similar size and cost plus the exact same geology as Canada's Thompson belt, which to date has produced more than 2.5 million tons of nickel and is still in production at two large mines.
Type of offer
Attracting investments
Project initiator
Cooperation options
The project is at an early stage, so the cost has not yet been set. Direct sale is not available. Part of a larger portfolio of Nickel assets. An investment in the UK's parent private company of $20 million for a 20% stake with rights to 100% of each mine is determined formula tied to each mine's NPV
Extractive industry
Geographical location of the project
Zimbabwe, Africa.
Important feature
Min. investments to achieve turnover > $ 200 million per year: $ 100 million per mine Long-term development goal of $ 1 billion in revenue per year: an additional $ 100 million. Us $ 500 million for 5 mines. US, which will include the expansion of the Nickel sulphate battery plant's production scheme
The estimated amount of the project
Available on request and contained in a feasibility study.
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