Attracting investments
Direct sale of $ 15 million is now 100% available. Part of a larger portfolio of nickel
Investments in the UK parental private company of $ 20 million for a 20% stake with
rights to 100% of each mine are determined after conducting a feasibility study
according to a pre-agreed formula tied to the NPV of each mine
Extractive industry
Zimbabwe, Africa.
Min investments to achieve a turnover> $ 200 million per year:
$ 100 million
The long-term development goal of $ 1 billion in revenue per year:
additional investment of $ 300 million - but only if sufficient ore has been proven
Available on request and contained in a feasibility study.
Дополнительная информация
$ 8.5 billion worth of Ni + Ci United States, excluding Co + Pd
Contact information is available only for registered users